
The first hydrotherapy pool in the north region and in Chiang Mai. Pool is designed for water exercise to alleviate the physical problems by therapeutic specific techniques and various programs for health improvement such as: overweight, diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, body stiffness or muscle weakness. Physical therapist will conduct and design program for an individual or a group for a treatment period of 45-60 minutes. Hydrotherapy uses the water properties as the media in treatment. It is soft, safe and reduces the impact force to joints and also provides muscle relaxation and body loosening during exercise. Hydrotherapy 3 times a week regularly for 3 months (36 times) will effect physical changes precisely.
Hydrotherapy pool, Fitness room, Jacuzzi, Sauna
Two services by hydrotherapy (individual or group):
1. physical therapy treatment & rehabilitation
– Movement control problem
Knee osteoarthritis problem Hemiplegic problem
– Diabetes Problem
Hydrotherapy program for diabetes patient
Diabetes is a chronic disease associated with abnormally high levels of the sugar glucose in the blood. Diabetes is due to one of two mechanisms:
1.Inadequate production of insulin(Which is made by the pancreas and lowers blood glucose),or
2.Inadequate sensitivity of cells to the action of insulin
The two main types of diabetes correspond to these two mechanisms and are called insulin dependent(type1) and non-insulin dependent(type2) diabetes.In type 1 diabetes there is no insulin or not enough of it. In type 2 diabetes, there is generally enough insulin but the cells upon it should act are not normally sensitive to its action.
The signs and symptoms of both types of diabetes include increased urine output and decreased appetite as well as fatigue. Diabetes is diagnosed by blood glucose testing, the glucose tolerrancetest, and testing of the level of glycosylated hemoglobin(glycohemoglobin or hemoglobin A1C). The mode of treatment depends on the type of the diabetes.
The major complications of diabetes include dangerously elevated blood sugar, abnormally low blood sugar due to diabetes medication, and disease of the blood vessels which can damage the eyes, kidney, nerves, and heart.
The important treatment of diabetes are nutrition control, diabetes medication, self hygiene , weight control and exercise . Exercise is specially good not only for treatment but also for prevention in the risk groups.
The type 2 diabetes patient should perform a 20-30 minute light aerobic exercise (feeling mild to moderate exhaustion during exercise). Do 3 days/ week and at the same times with friends every session.
We provide Hydrotherapy program of diabetes patients in individual or in group exercise in water for body adaptation to normal or nearly . Exercise 3-4 times/week with a 30-45 minute period. A package of 10 times costs 4,000 Baht ( average 400 Baht/time)
– consultation for self physical examination and foot care
– checking glucose level at pre-post exercise
– pool & sauna facilities
Hydrotherapy for better health consists of :
2.Aquatic Therapy program
Exercise in water for fitness which is designed for an individual or groups with specific conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, risky heart problems in order to restore body to normal or nearly by the physical therapists. A package of 24 sessions in 8 weeks is specially offered.
– Fat burn by Water
Shallow and deep water exercises for 8 weeks, 24 sessions to burn fat in body with fun
and challenge patterns is led by the physical therapist.
– Fit Firm Fun in Water
Shallow and deep water activities moving through water with fun are designed for
general normal persons in a group.